LEVEL NA.SU date 2072/02/29
Paper – 2nd (SECOND)
subject-socio-economic condition
( Section –A ) Mark – 40
*Write short answer of the flowing question .*
Q-No 1st mention the of role of private section in the economic deployment of Nepal.- MARK -5
Q-NO 2NDWhite do you mean by migration ? Mention the adverse effects of migration on socio;- economic/ aspect. mark 2+3=5
long-term vision and objectives was taken in the 3YR (three years)PLAN
(2067—68 – 2049 / 70 ) about environment protection and &climate
change ? discussion .Mark 5
Q NO 4TH What do you understand by * culcure* ? define in short.Mark 5
Q NO 5THBRIflymention the importance (imp) of agriculture section in NEPAL (NP) .Mark 5
Q NO 6TH WHATDo you mean by bio – diversity ? clarify the adverse effects of migration ( mgr ) on socio- economic expects .mark 2+3=5
*Write lengthy answer of the flowing question ,*
NO 7THwhateiz the social security ? EXPLAN The programs conducted for the social security in Nepal .Mark 2+8=10
( Section – B ) Mark – 30
*Write short reply of the flowing question ,.*
Q NO 8TH according to the interim constitution of Nepal ,n2063 B.S , what iz the social objective of the state ? mantion.Mark 5
Q NO 9thmantion the major functionof central government .Mark 5
O NO 10thmention the basics required for the success of- democracy .Mark 5
Q NO 11th what do you mean by positive discrimination ? Mention in fleeting. Mark 5
Write lengthy answer of the following question ,
Q NO 12TH what should be the of civil society on social empowerment &expansion of Nepal ? Explain. Mark 10
Section – C Mark 30
write short answer of the following questions ,
Q NO 13th reference the attributes that good record management requires ,Mark 5
Q NO 14th mention the role of service provider in public service delivery .Mark 5
Q NO 15th what izoffice management ? explain .Mark 5
Q NO 16th mention the provisions on behalf of career development in the civil service of Nepal (NP) Mark 5
Write long answer of the following question ,
Q NO 17th Mention the objective of the govrtment,s (gov) budget & discuss the budget formulation process in Nepal .MARK ( 3+7) = 10