Sunday, June 28

Lok sewa ayog, Exam Model Questions POILTICAL SCEINCE SET- 3

gorkhapatra july 3
Q-NO 1st what is the minimum age to be nominated as member in public service commission ?
A-     45 YEAR
B-     40 year
C-     55 year
D-     50 year
Q-NO 2nd which of the following is NOT a feature or personnel administration ?
A-     Recruitment
B-     promotion
C-     participation in politics
D-     training
Q-NO 3rd who chair the promotion committee for the promotion of secretaries and joint secretaries?
A-     Chief secretary
B-     member of public service commission
C-     secretary of ministry of general administration
D-     Chairman or member of public service of Nepal
Q-NO 4thwhat is the age limit for retirement in civil service of Nepal ?
A-     64YEARS
B-     65 YEAR
C-     63 YEARS
D-     58 YEARS
Q-NO 5th match the names of list A with the statement given in list B And select the correct answers using the codes given below .
list A                                 LIST B
A-     gladden           1- '' personnel is the sovereign factor in public administration ''
B-     finer                 2- '' promotion is an important process in the civil service , as indeed it is
In all graded services ''
C-     WHITE             3- ''the function of training is to help employees grow, not only from the
Stand point of mechanical efficiency but also in terms of the broad
                        Outlook and perspective which public servants need''
D-     Flex Nigro         4- A retirement system for civil employees is primarily designed to
                                //make easy// /the/ termination of employment of men and women in
whose    Power have failed on a/ccount/ of/ /age//,,,,''
A-     a-2,b-1,c-4,d-3 
B-     a-1 , b- 4 , c- -3 , d – 2
C-     a- 3 , b- 2 ,c -1, d-4
D-      a-4, b- 3, c- 2 ,d – 1
Q NO 6th  which of the following statement's is/are corret ?
1-      political science is an 'ART'
2-      political science is 'Anthropology '
3-      political science is ' Sociology "
4-      political science is ' science '
A-     Only 1and 2 
B-     Only 2 and 3
C-     only 1 and 4
D-     only 4
Q-no 7th he who is unable to live in society or who has no need no need because he is sufficient for himself , must be either a beast or god .'' who has said this ?
A-     Plato
B-     Rousseau
C-     Aristotle
D-     Laski
Q-NO 8thwho is considered the profounder of 'input-output' functions in a political system ?
A-     DAVID Easton
B-     David apter
C-     G . A Almond
D-     Lucian w.pye
Q-NO 9th who will be the head of the government in the parliamentary system ?
A-     President
B-     speaker
C-     prime – minister
D-     chief justice
Q-NO 10thMatch the following
GROUP [ A   ]                                                                                                  GROUP [ B]
A-     History is nothing politic and politic but current history                        1-Barker
B-     political science with economics left out is an unreal and                      2- Freeman
ghostly formalism .
C-     IF our forefathers thought biologically we think psychologically           3- charls beard
A-     a-1,b-2,c-3
B-     a-22,b-3,c-1
C-     a-3,b-1,c-2
D-     a-3,b-2,c-1