Sunday, June 28

Lok sewa ayog, Exam Model Questions POILTICAL SCEINCE SET- 2 AND ghorkhapatra 2072/3

Q NO 11th when was the SAAC established ?
A- 1980
B- 1984
A-     1985
B-      1986
Q-NO 12th which of the following are intangible factors in determining Nepal,s foreign policy ?
A-     Geographical factors
B-      economic factors
C-      leadership
1-      A,B
2-      B,C
3-      ONLY A
4-      ONLY C
Q-NO 13th which of the following country (countries ) is/are permanent members in security council of united nations ?
1 France
2 Germany
3 Japan
4 China
A-     ONLY 1 and 2
B-      only 2 and 3
C-      only 1 and 3
D-     only 1 and 4
Q-NO 14th which one of the following is NOT an objective of the SAARC Charter ?
A-     //to //promote //the //welfare// of //the //peoples //of //south// Asia
B-      to maintain international peace
C-      to accelerate  economic growth in Asia
D-     to contribute to mutual trust in south Asia
Q-NO 15th the official language of SAARC secretariat is………….
A-     Hindi
B-      English
C-      Bangla
D-     all the national languages of member states of SAARC
Q-NO 16th which one of the following is a feature of good governance   ?
A-     POLTICAL parties
B-      powerful government
C-      transparency
D-     unitary system
Q-NO 17th which of the following are NOT the principles of organization ?
A-     Unity of command
B-      devolution
C-      delegation of authority
D-     good governance
a-      1,2
b-      2,3
c-       3,4
d-      2,4
Q-NO 18th who has propounded the formula POSDCORB in the study of public administration ?
A-     Luther gullick
B-      L.D White
C-      Willoughby
D-     Woodrow Wilson
Q-NO 19th match list A with List B AND select the correct answer using the codes given below .

LIST A                              LIST B

A-     Fred W. RIGGS    1- THE term 'Development administration ' was first coined in 1955.
B-      Goawami 2-'Development administration refers both to administrative problem and  
             Governmental reform
C-      Montgomery3- development action is action oriented ,goal oriented administrative system
D-     Edward Weidner 4- devotement administration is usually conceived as an aspect of change that    
is desirable ,broadly predicted or planned and administered by
Governmental action.
A-     a-2,b-1,c-4 , d – 3
B-       a- 1 , b-3 , c -3, d-2
C-      a-3 , b-2 ,c- 1,d- 4
D-     a- 4 , b-3 ,c-2 ,d-1
Q-NO 20th in the context of good governance what does accountability denote ?
A-     people's influence on their rules
B-     working in accordance with rules and regulation
C-     effective control of people on their rules
D-     public's access to decision making
a-      1,2
b-      3,4
c-      1,3

d-      2,4